Pinhole Surgical Technique FAQs | Huntington Beach Dentist

Pioneered by Dr. Chao, the Pinhole® Surgical Technique is a new way to repair gum recession through a pinhole-sized incision, rather than having to cut. This new technique will not only reduce discomfort grafting surgery can do, but also cut down recovery time. In fact, you can eat dinner that night! Now we understand that you may have some questions about this miracle procedure, so here is a quick rundown of some of the more popular ones:

Is gum recession something that you see often? Before the Pinhole Surgical Technique, a lot of people are put in a dilemma of whether they should fix it with a very painful, drawn out gum grafting procedure, try to ignore it, or try a temporary fix by placing a filling on the exposed root.

How long does the standard gum grafting procedure take? The standard procedure requires cutting out a graft of the gum from the palate and grafting it to where it’s needed. To delicately cut and remove the graft tissue and attach it with sutures takes about an hour to an hour and a half for just one or two teeth, but recovery time is two or three weeks.

What’s the key to the procedure? The key to The Pinhole Surgical Technique is that we don’t have to perform the gum grafting anymore. A pinhole is made by a needle, so there’s no scalpel or cutting at all. Then we shift the tissue down with very little trauma to the tissue. The tiny pinhole shrinks away by the next day.

Will I have to do this often? If everything is healthy and there is no over-brushing, it can last years.

If you would like to find out more about Pinhole Surgical Technique, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

When It’s More than Bad Breath | Huntington Beach Dentist

No one wants to hear they have bad breath. But there are lots of delicious things in our diet that affect our breath, it difficult to avoid. But that’s what mints are for, right? However, there are times when it isn’t the garlic bread that is causing your bad breath – it is a more serious issue. Let’s take a look at bad breath – how we get it, how we get rid of it and what happens when it is something more serious.

There are certain causes of bad breath: your diet, the condition of your teeth and how you take care of them. Bad breath is generally caused by bacteria in your mouth. Now, every mouth has bacteria, some of which are good, and some which aren’t. By removing the bacteria, you are reducing the possibility of halitosis (bad breath), which is why good dental hygiene is imperative. It is also critical to see your dentist and hygienist on a regular basis so they can take x-rays, measure your gum pockets and determine the extent of the bacteria in your mouth, as they remove the bacteria from above your gums. Occasionally, it is noted that bacteria may be able to get inside the gums, which cause gum infections (gum disease) and tooth loss.

Once it has been determined you have gum disease, it is recommended to have cleanings done every 3 months to maintain the health of the gums. Generally, the gum measurements are made to determine how well the gums are responding to treatment and cleaned, to ensure the continued improvement of the bacteria removal.

If you would like to find out more about bad breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Why You Need to Brush Your Teeth this Halloween | Huntington Beach Dentist

As we embark on another Halloween night, it is important to understand that dental hygiene is particularly necessary during this time of year in order to prevent dental issues from arising later on down the line. Because if you eat loads of sugary sweets, but don’t keep up with dental hygiene, it could lead to cavities and even worse, gingivitis. The cause of gingivitis may vary slightly but is typically due to poor oral hygiene.

Gingivitis typically progresses due to plaque, an invisible sticky film composed of bacteria that builds on the surface of teeth over time. Brushing and flossing removes plaque, but failure to brush and floss allows the plaque to harden into tartar, which is calcified and nearly impossible to remove with simple brushing.

Treatments for gingivitis tend to be less invasive than those for periodontal disease, because gingivitis is a milder case of the disease. Primary treatment for gingivitis is going to be an in-office dental cleaning, where tartar can be removed, plaque will be cleaned, and the dentist may use physical instruments to remove buildup below the gum line.

Left untreated, gingivitis will eventually lead to periodontal disease, where the bacteria work their way into the deeper gum pockets and, eventually, the bone beneath the teeth. Treatment for periodontal disease will be far more involved.

There are a number of treatment options for both gingivitis and periodontal disease, but the easiest way to deal with periodontal disease is to avoid allowing plaque and tartar buildup in order to develop gingivitis in the first place. Regular professional cleanings and thorough home hygiene are necessary. Happy Halloween!

If you would like to find out more about gingivitis, Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Changing Seasons, Changing Diets | Huntington Beach Dentist

Here we are – Labor Day weekend. The final hours of summer are beginning to dwindle away. The fun outdoor activities and events with friends and family have been fun all season long, but it’s time to pack up and get ready for the next season – autumn.

We know that summer foods are sweet, fresh and cold. As we get into the autumnal season, our diets begin to change to savory, cozy and warm. And while this doesn’t seem to be an issue, for some it can cause some major tooth sensitivity to occur. You know, those zings you feel when you eat something too cold or hot. It is something that affects more people than you think.

There are many reasons one could have teeth sensitivity. It’s generally caused naturally as we age. Our gums begin to pull back, making your teeth sensitive. Tooth decay, gingivitis, and plaque buildup are various dental issues that make consuming hot or cold foods difficult. Damaged teeth or worn teeth due to teeth grinding are also ways teeth can become sensitive.

The sooner you fix these issues, the less likely there will be more damage. If you grind your teeth, use a mouth guard while you sleep to keep your teeth from wearing down. If you use teeth whitening products often, the chemicals may be the culprit. Acidic foods, like citrus fruit, can also contribute to wear and tear on tooth enamel. The key is to keep everything in moderation.

If you feel you have sensitive teeth, consult a dental professional. They will have helpful tips to keep your oral health intact so you can enjoy the warm and tasty treats the upcoming season has to offer.

If you would like to find out more about tooth sensitivity, Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.