Happy Halloween to you! The one day a year where your little one can pretend they’re anything and eat their weight in free candy, simply be saying ‘trick or treat’. Between trick-or-treating, parties, and festivals, Halloween can one big cavity-creating sugar rush. If your child has diabetes, things need to change a bit, but nothing you can’t monitor without them feeling left out. Here are some tips:
Sit down with your child and discuss your Halloween plans in advance so they know what to expect. Because of the pandemic, things have changed a bit during this spooky time of year. Create some boundaries and general rules and involve them in the decision making throughout the festivities. They’ll be more likely to be on board with a plan they helped create. Find out what’s most important to them about the day and try to work together to meet in the middle so diabetes management can remain a priority.
Make sure they don’t think they are losing out at all by take the focus off of candy. Encourage making arts and crafts projects, entering pumpkin carving/painting contests, watching a Halloween movie, etc. Planning to go trick-or-treating? Many are trying different techniques to make trick or teating as safe as possible
Lots of candy will create havoc in your mouth, so teaching moderation is important. You can have too much of a good thing. Set a rule as to how many pieces of candy your child can eat a day, have your child pick their favorite pieces of candy, and get rid of the rest. Your child can enjoy a few pieces of candy throughout the week without creating issues with insulin or cavities.
If you would like to find out more about floss, contact Dr. Rudy Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.
Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.