When You Have Bad Breath Without Eating | Huntington Beach Dentist

When it comes to celebrating the holidays, we all tend to loosen our belts a bit to indulge in all the foods we love during this time of year. And some of those foods can give us bad breath. The solution is simple – a quick stick of gum or a brushing can do the trick. But there are some reasons you may have bad breath that has nothing to do with potent foods. Let’s take a look at bad breath – how we get it, how we get rid of it and what happens when it is something more serious.

There are certain causes of bad breath: your diet, the condition of your teeth and how you take care of them. Bad breath is generally caused by bacteria in your mouth. Now, every mouth has bacteria, some of which are good, and some which aren’t. By removing the bacteria, you are reducing the possibility of halitosis (bad breath), which is why good dental hygiene is imperative. It is also critical to see your dentist and hygienist on a regular basis so they can take x-rays, measure your gum pockets and determine the extent of the bacteria in your mouth, as they remove the bacteria from above your gums. Occasionally, it is noted that bacteria may be able to get inside the gums, which cause gum infections gum disease and tooth loss.

Once it has been determined you have gum disease, it is recommended to have cleanings done every 3 months to maintain the health of the gums. Generally, the gum measurements are made to determine how well the gums are responding to treatment and cleaned, to ensure the continued improvement of the bacteria removal.

If you would like to find out more about bad breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Do You Suffer from Ketosis Breath? | Huntington Beach Dentist

There are many diets out there to choose from; they come and go like the wind. One of these diets that has become quite popular these days is the keto diet, a diet based on low carb intake and eating large amounts of saturated fats, like butter, lard and oils.

And while it is a great way to lose weight, like anything, there are some risks. Harvard Health Publishing recommends that your saturated fat intake not exceed 7% of your daily calories. Eating so much more than that could increase your risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Kidney issues
  • Constipation
  • Liver problems
  • Clouded thinking
  • And, of course, ketosis breath.

Ketosis breath is an overly sweet, fruity scent (not in a good way) that is the results of the way our bodies break down fats. While in ketosis, your body converts fat cells into three types of ketones. One of these ketones, called acetone, is essentially worthless for your body to create energy. Therefore, your body releases it through your urine, sweat, and breath.

So, now that you are aware of keto breath, how do you get rid of it? Because the scent is coming from your lungs, it isn’t something that can be fixed, but rather covered up. And just like any type of bad breath, there are ways to do this. Chewing sugar-free gum will activate saliva production, which will keep your mouth free of bacteria. Adding more complex carbohydrates, like leafy greens, will also help decrease the scent. Drinking water is also a great way to keep your mouth hydrated. Adding breath freshening herbs like mint, cloves and cinnamon can help improve your breath. And lastly, good dental hygiene is the best way to stave off keto breath.

If you would like to find out more about ketosis breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

When It’s More than Bad Breath | Huntington Beach Dentist

No one wants to hear they have bad breath. But there are lots of delicious things in our diet that affect our breath, it difficult to avoid. But that’s what mints are for, right? However, there are times when it isn’t the garlic bread that is causing your bad breath – it is a more serious issue. Let’s take a look at bad breath – how we get it, how we get rid of it and what happens when it is something more serious.

There are certain causes of bad breath: your diet, the condition of your teeth and how you take care of them. Bad breath is generally caused by bacteria in your mouth. Now, every mouth has bacteria, some of which are good, and some which aren’t. By removing the bacteria, you are reducing the possibility of halitosis (bad breath), which is why good dental hygiene is imperative. It is also critical to see your dentist and hygienist on a regular basis so they can take x-rays, measure your gum pockets and determine the extent of the bacteria in your mouth, as they remove the bacteria from above your gums. Occasionally, it is noted that bacteria may be able to get inside the gums, which cause gum infections (gum disease) and tooth loss.

Once it has been determined you have gum disease, it is recommended to have cleanings done every 3 months to maintain the health of the gums. Generally, the gum measurements are made to determine how well the gums are responding to treatment and cleaned, to ensure the continued improvement of the bacteria removal.

If you would like to find out more about bad breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.