Mythbusters: LANAP Procedure Edition | Huntington Beach Dentist

When you develop gum disease, there are a few ways to treat the issue. In the past, there was traditional gum surgery. Not only is it painful, but the recovery time is also extensive. Nowadays, there is a new option that not only removes the use of a scalpel, but also has a quick recovery period. This is the LANAP procedure.

Because it is a new procedure, it comes with lots of myths behind it. Today we disprove the more common ones:

Myth #1: Any dentist can do it.

Only trained, qualified periodontists and dentists can use LANAP lasers on patients. They undergo a year-long, intensive training process that happens at the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry.

Myth #2: LANAP is expensive.

LANAP costs roughly the same as traditional gum surgery. But if you consider recovery time, LANAP may make for a more financially reasonable option.

Myth #3: Insurance doesn’t cover LANAP procedures.

Most insurance carriers will cover LANAP. Contact your insurance provider and discuss your coverage.

Myth #4: Any laser can be used for LANAP.

No, LANAP uses a very specific laser, the PerioLase MVP-7, to treat gum disease. This laser only targets the diseased gums, destroying the bad bacteria while preserving healthy tissue.

Myth #5: LANAP is dangerous.

Keep in mind that there are inherent risks in any medical procedure Your healthcare professional will discuss those with you before beginning the surgery so that you’re fully informed. However, LANAP uses an FDA-approved, safe laser that only interacts with harmful bacteria. There’s no risk of radiation or interaction with other medications as well. You may have to take x-rays before the procedure, but the risk is minimal there as well.

What You Need to Know About Periodontal Surgery | Huntington Beach Dentist

No one wants to have surgery, especially when it’s happening inside our mouth. If there is extensive bone loss with deep periodontal pockets that prevents thorough cleaning of the roots of the teeth, pocket reduction surgery is indicated. During the pocket reduction procedure, your periodontist folds back the gum tissue and removes the disease-causing bacteria plaque and tartar from the root surfaces of the teeth. Once the teeth and roots are clean, the tissue is secured back into place. Tiny fragments of your own bone, synthetic bone, or bone from a bone bank are placed where bone was lost. These grafts aid in the regrowth of bone & restores tooth stability. Here are some of the more common questions:

Will it hurt?

You should feel little or no discomfort during the procedure. Following surgery, the affected area will be tender or sore, but most patients resume their normal routines the day after surgery.

Will I be able to speak and eat normally after surgery?

You should be able to speak normally after the anesthetic has worn off, but you may need to avoid chewing certain foods for a bit.

When will I need to return to my periodontist?

Usually, patients return for post-surgical treatment in five to ten days to remove any stitches and cleanse the surgical area.

Will I ever need surgery again?

In most instances you will not need surgery in the same area again. However, in certain cases, re-treatment or additional surgery may be needed.

What can I do to help control the disease?

Nothing will help you maintain the results of professional treatment better than daily removal of plaque by proper brushing, flossing and other cleaning methods recommended for you.

If you would like to find out more about periodontal surgery, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.