Explaining Root Canal Therapy | Huntington Beach Dentist

If the idea of getting a root canal scares you from seeing a dentist, you may want to rethink this position. Even though it is tough to deal with a toothache, some patients think it isn’t as bad as getting the procedure itself done. Unfortunately, if you let it go untreated, it will only get worse. And contrary to what you may believe, root canal therapy actually relieves pain, it does not cause pain. The pain comes from the infection in the root canal. The endodontic treatment removes the infection and leaves you feeling better after the procedure. The best part is you get to keep your natural tooth.

A root canal is a procedure that treats the inside of your tooth. If you have an untreated chip or cracked (or other trauma), it can expose the pulp which then can become inflamed and infected. Thus, the pulp inside of your tooth becomes damaged. Left untreated leads to the pain you’d feel with a toothache. This left further untreated can result in an abscess.

When your dentist performs a root canal, the damaged pulp is removed entirely from the inside of the tooth. After it is removed, your tooth will be cleaned and disinfected and sealed. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or a filling for protection.

But don’t be scared – modern root canal treatment is similar to having a routine filling and may be completed in one or two appointments depending on the condition of the tooth. The procedure isn’t as grim as it is made out to be. With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last as long as other natural teeth and often for a lifetime.

If you would like to find out more about improving root canal therapy , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Why You Should Consider Opting for Veneers | Huntington Beach Dentist

When something happens to damage their smile, many patients become self-conscious about what can be done to repair the damage, especially if the fix is still fairly obvious to those around. Thankfully, we don’t have to think about things like this because we have veneers to repair.

Porcelain veneers offer superior benefits over other cosmetic dental procedures, such as dental crowns or braces. The fingernail-thin shells, which are adhered to the front surface, solve a myriad of aesthetic problems with just one treatment. Here is a list of the top ten reasons you should really consider asking your dentist about your veneer options:

Discrete. Porcelain is a translucent material that mimics the look, luster, and feel of enamel.

Whiten stains. When adhered to the front surface of your teeth, veneers you’re your teeth look instantly whiter.

Straighten flaws. Veneers offer a great alternative for patients with crooked teeth who do not want to endure the process of having their teeth straightened with dental braces.

Fix chips and breaks. Veneers can fill in and improve the look of teeth that are chipped or broken.

Fills gaps. Veneers can be customized to repair smiles with unsightly gaps.

Youthful. A whiter, brighter, more lustrous smile can immediately you’re your face a more youthful appearance.

Conservative. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require removing a large portion of healthy, natural teeth, veneers can be applied with little alteration.

Protection. Once applied, the veneers also serve to provide a protective shield to the front surface of teeth.

Stain-resistant. Porcelain is stain resistant, which will make your smile stay brighter and whiter longer.

Gum-friendly. Gum tissue is not irritated by porcelain.

If you would like to find out more about porcelain veneers, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Is a Root Canal Scary? | Huntington Beach Dentist

We all try to do our best to keep our smiles healthy. We brush, floss, visit the dentist regularly and try to stay away from habits that can cause dental issues. One of the reasons we are so adamant about doing these things is because of the dreaded root canal. Yes, finding out you need a root canal seems to be one of the biggest fears a patient has when visiting the dentist. But is it as scary as we think it is?

Since knowledge is power, let’s talk about what exactly is causing your teeth to decay. If we know how what is going to cause us to need a root canal, we can avoid those circumstances:

  1. Large cavities
  2. Cracked or chipped teeth
  3. Facial trauma
  4. A habit of clenching or grinding your teeth
  5. Repeatedly damaged teeth

Now for the results. If left untreated, a tooth can become infected and won’t be able to heal properly, eventually leading to an abscess or even tooth loss. Abscesses aren’t just bad for our smiles, but the content in an abscess can spread to other areas in the body, causing further damage.

Don’t worry – with today’s technology, root canals aren’t as scary as they are made out to be. In fact, their pain level could even be compared to getting a filling. Your dentist needs to remove all of the pulp and nerve causing the issue, then replacing it with a dental crown to make your tooth look good as new. If you are nervous, ask your dentist about sedation options. In the end, you are the first line of defense, so take care of your smile.

If you would like to find out more about root canals, Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.