When You Have Bad Breath Without Eating | Huntington Beach Dentist

When it comes to celebrating the holidays, we all tend to loosen our belts a bit to indulge in all the foods we love during this time of year. And some of those foods can give us bad breath. The solution is simple – a quick stick of gum or a brushing can do the trick. But there are some reasons you may have bad breath that has nothing to do with potent foods. Let’s take a look at bad breath – how we get it, how we get rid of it and what happens when it is something more serious.

There are certain causes of bad breath: your diet, the condition of your teeth and how you take care of them. Bad breath is generally caused by bacteria in your mouth. Now, every mouth has bacteria, some of which are good, and some which aren’t. By removing the bacteria, you are reducing the possibility of halitosis (bad breath), which is why good dental hygiene is imperative. It is also critical to see your dentist and hygienist on a regular basis so they can take x-rays, measure your gum pockets and determine the extent of the bacteria in your mouth, as they remove the bacteria from above your gums. Occasionally, it is noted that bacteria may be able to get inside the gums, which cause gum infections gum disease and tooth loss.

Once it has been determined you have gum disease, it is recommended to have cleanings done every 3 months to maintain the health of the gums. Generally, the gum measurements are made to determine how well the gums are responding to treatment and cleaned, to ensure the continued improvement of the bacteria removal.

If you would like to find out more about bad breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Do You Suffer from Ketosis Breath? | Huntington Beach Dentist

There are many diets out there to choose from; they come and go like the wind. One of these diets that has become quite popular these days is the keto diet, a diet based on low carb intake and eating large amounts of saturated fats, like butter, lard and oils.

And while it is a great way to lose weight, like anything, there are some risks. Harvard Health Publishing recommends that your saturated fat intake not exceed 7% of your daily calories. Eating so much more than that could increase your risk of:

  • Heart disease
  • Nutrient deficiency
  • Kidney issues
  • Constipation
  • Liver problems
  • Clouded thinking
  • And, of course, ketosis breath.

Ketosis breath is an overly sweet, fruity scent (not in a good way) that is the results of the way our bodies break down fats. While in ketosis, your body converts fat cells into three types of ketones. One of these ketones, called acetone, is essentially worthless for your body to create energy. Therefore, your body releases it through your urine, sweat, and breath.

So, now that you are aware of keto breath, how do you get rid of it? Because the scent is coming from your lungs, it isn’t something that can be fixed, but rather covered up. And just like any type of bad breath, there are ways to do this. Chewing sugar-free gum will activate saliva production, which will keep your mouth free of bacteria. Adding more complex carbohydrates, like leafy greens, will also help decrease the scent. Drinking water is also a great way to keep your mouth hydrated. Adding breath freshening herbs like mint, cloves and cinnamon can help improve your breath. And lastly, good dental hygiene is the best way to stave off keto breath.

If you would like to find out more about ketosis breath, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Mythbusters: LANAP Procedure Edition | Huntington Beach Dentist

When you develop gum disease, there are a few ways to treat the issue. In the past, there was traditional gum surgery. Not only is it painful, but the recovery time is also extensive. Nowadays, there is a new option that not only removes the use of a scalpel, but also has a quick recovery period. This is the LANAP procedure.

Because it is a new procedure, it comes with lots of myths behind it. Today we disprove the more common ones:

Myth #1: Any dentist can do it.

Only trained, qualified periodontists and dentists can use LANAP lasers on patients. They undergo a year-long, intensive training process that happens at the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry.

Myth #2: LANAP is expensive.

LANAP costs roughly the same as traditional gum surgery. But if you consider recovery time, LANAP may make for a more financially reasonable option.

Myth #3: Insurance doesn’t cover LANAP procedures.

Most insurance carriers will cover LANAP. Contact your insurance provider and discuss your coverage.

Myth #4: Any laser can be used for LANAP.

No, LANAP uses a very specific laser, the PerioLase MVP-7, to treat gum disease. This laser only targets the diseased gums, destroying the bad bacteria while preserving healthy tissue.

Myth #5: LANAP is dangerous.

Keep in mind that there are inherent risks in any medical procedure Your healthcare professional will discuss those with you before beginning the surgery so that you’re fully informed. However, LANAP uses an FDA-approved, safe laser that only interacts with harmful bacteria. There’s no risk of radiation or interaction with other medications as well. You may have to take x-rays before the procedure, but the risk is minimal there as well.

Common Questions Asked About Pinhole Gum Surgery | Huntington Beach Dentist

It’s a fact of life most of us try not to think about but it happens to the best of us – our gums begin to recede. In fact, this is where the saying ‘long in the tooth’ comes from. And while it is a natural occurrence as we age, it is important that you keep up your dental routines when this happens, as bacteria penetrate your gums and cause further dental issues. Prior to the Pinhole® Surgical Technique, gum recession was remedied through a painful gum grafting procedure. Nowadays, gum recession can be remedied without having to make a single cut, not only reducing pain and discomfort grafting surgery can do, but also recovery time. Still not sure? Let’s take a look at some of the more common questions:

What is the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique? The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique is a way to repair gum shrinkage through a pinhole in the gum without having to cut.

How long does the standard gum grafting procedure take? To delicately cut and remove the graft tissue and attach it with sutures takes about an hour to an hour and a half for just one or two teeth, with a recovery period of two or three weeks.

What’s the key to the PST procedure? The key to The Pinhole® Surgical Technique is a pinhole that is made by a needle, deleting the need for a scalpel or cutting. The tissue down is shifted with very little trauma, removing any open wounds to deal with.

Will I have to do this often? This is expected to be permanent and lasts long as any other procedure. If everything is healthy and there is no over-brushing, it can last years.

If you would like to find out more about Pinhole® Surgical Technique , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Garlic: A Blessing or a Curse? | Huntington Beach Dentist

Let’s face it – food wouldn’t be the same without garlic. It is so beloved that there is an entire festival dedicated to garlic in Gilroy, CA every summer. But with every good comes a bad and garlic is no different. The more we enjoy it, the more it is invading our mouths, leaving us with some of the stinkiest breath around. No chance of getting that kiss at the end of the date. But man – is it not a tasty ingredient that blesses any meal. Yum!

But did you know that garlic is actually helping our smiles? It’s true! It may be hard to believe this pungent ingredient has a positive to our health but it’s true – garlic is one of the most multi-faceted foods we have. And since National Garlic Day is in April, let’s take a moment to celebrate our smile’s favorite smelly friend…

Gum disease prevention. Garlic has thiosulfinate, a bacteria-reducing compound that specializes in reducing the production of plaque, the first stage of gum disease.

Promotes dental hygiene. We all know that garlic is guaranteed to give us some of the worst breath, so garlic is actually helping us maintain healthy dental practices as we are more prone to brush after eating garlic.

Get a good night’s sleep. Did you know garlic helps you sleep? Those that suffer from sleep apnea can benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties that can also help open up your airways and reduce enlarged tonsils.

Toothache relief. If a toothache or headache has occurred, munching on a clove of garlic can help relieve some of your pain naturally.

If you would like to find out more about the effects of garlic, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

What Is Geriatric Dentistry? | Huntington Beach Dentist

Aging is a process we all deal with in the later parts of our lives. And with that, there are loads of changes that take place as we get to a certain age. Our bodies are beginning to break down and we need more to keep ourselves healthy. One area in our lives that may be neglected as we age is our dental health. Unfortunately, our dental health should be more of a priority since it is our first line of defense against our overall health.

Geriatric dentistry is the delivery of oral care to older patients, many of whom require diagnosis, management, prevention and treatment of dental problems associated with age-related diseases. According to research, more than half of all dental patients over 60 are on medication or are medically compromised in some way, while also showing increased sensitivity to medication used in dentistry, necessitating a specialized type of care.

Potential drug interactions. Elder patients may take medications that make them more vulnerable to drug interactions, medication errors and drug reactions, requiring special precautions to protect the safety and well-being of older patients.

Compassion. Geriatric-focused dental professionals take great care to minimize noises and distractions during treatment. And since older patients with cognitive limitations are easily overwhelmed, geriatric-focused dental professionals are also careful to communicate using short, simple sentences that relax the patient and ease the treatment process.

Patience and consideration. When dealing with elder patients suffering from dementia or physical impairments, experienced dental professionals understand that patience may not be enough and may need to delay a procedure for a later time.

If you would like to find out more about improving geriatric dentistry , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Explaining Root Canal Therapy | Huntington Beach Dentist

If the idea of getting a root canal scares you from seeing a dentist, you may want to rethink this position. Even though it is tough to deal with a toothache, some patients think it isn’t as bad as getting the procedure itself done. Unfortunately, if you let it go untreated, it will only get worse. And contrary to what you may believe, root canal therapy actually relieves pain, it does not cause pain. The pain comes from the infection in the root canal. The endodontic treatment removes the infection and leaves you feeling better after the procedure. The best part is you get to keep your natural tooth.

A root canal is a procedure that treats the inside of your tooth. If you have an untreated chip or cracked (or other trauma), it can expose the pulp which then can become inflamed and infected. Thus, the pulp inside of your tooth becomes damaged. Left untreated leads to the pain you’d feel with a toothache. This left further untreated can result in an abscess.

When your dentist performs a root canal, the damaged pulp is removed entirely from the inside of the tooth. After it is removed, your tooth will be cleaned and disinfected and sealed. Afterwards, the tooth is restored with a crown or a filling for protection.

But don’t be scared – modern root canal treatment is similar to having a routine filling and may be completed in one or two appointments depending on the condition of the tooth. The procedure isn’t as grim as it is made out to be. With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment can last as long as other natural teeth and often for a lifetime.

If you would like to find out more about improving root canal therapy , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Keeping Your Smile Bright During the Holidays | Huntington Beach

Now that we are smack dab in the midst of the holidays, it is important that we don’t let holiday festivities to come in between you and a healthy smile. It’s a crazy time of year – and with loads of things to do, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. While enjoying all of the delightful food and beverages the holidays have to offer, keep in mind these simple steps to maintain a healthy mouth this holiday season:

Keep stress to a minimum. Holidays can be a stressful time of year. From trying to choose the perfect gifts to the cooking the perfect holiday meal, your mouth can take a hit from the excess anxiety and stress, like jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Celebrate mindfully. Candy canes and gingerbread men will create more bacteria from the excess sugar, which leads to cavities. Make sure to brush and floss twice as day, drink lots of water and chew sugar free gum to increase your saliva flow to wash away excess bacteria.

Raising a toast. White and red wines are extremely high in acidity, which are no good for your teeth. Acid can eat away at your tooth enamel, leaving your teeth more prone to tooth decay and cavities. If you’re enjoying wine this holiday, make sure to drink water in between glasses to rinse your teeth of any excess acid. 

Munch your way to a clean smile. There are some vegetables and fruits that can naturally clean our teeth and mouths by stimulating saliva flow, which is a natural defense against cavities. So, make sure to mix it up this holiday season.

If you would like to find out more about holiday dental health , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Caramel Apples Are the Epitome of Autumn Goodness | Huntington Beach Dentist

If you ask me, there is nothing nicer than a crisp autumn walk, enjoying the leaves on the trees changing from green to gorgeous yellows, oranges and reds. And if there is ever a perfect snack to accompany this lovely season, it’s the apple. The trusty apple is with us throughout our lives, from apple sauce as babies to apple pies as adults. But there is something about a caramel apple that really sets off the season off on the right foot. And thankfully for us, the apple is one of our smile’s best friends.

Now, it isn’t just the sweet snack that has captured our hearts – apples also have loads of health benefits that range from our bones to our heart, but it also greatly improves our smile. It’s true – this crispy fruit is fantastic for producing saliva, which is our natural way of keeping our mouths clean and bacteria free. Additionally, the fibers within the apple play an added role in cleaning our teeth in a way similar to a toothbrush. Now, it’s not a substitute… Apples are a healthy snack but shouldn’t replace your daily dental hygiene routine. These are just natural ways that you can improve your smile while enjoying a tasty treat.

But during this most bewitching of holidays upon us, what would be better than a homemade caramel apple as you take your family trick-or-treating? Look no further – here is a recipe that will not only satisfy your sweet tooth but will also give your smile a real treat.

To find out how to make the perfect Halloween sidekick, the caramel apple, click here.

If you would like to find out more about the health benefits of apples, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth? | Huntington Beach Dentist

We begin to get baby teeth around our first year. They fall out and our permanents come in. But many of us forget the third set of teething that we need to undergo at some point in our young adult lives, generally emerging at some point between the ages of 17 to 25 – wisdom teeth. Now, if you have seen any type of media regarding wisdom teeth, it is rarely a pleasurable experience.

Some people have wisdom teeth that emerge without any problems and line up with the other teeth behind the second molars, making it simple, easy experience. For many of us, this is the exact opposite of the case. The case many of us experience happens because our mouth is too crowded for third molars to develop normally. These crowded third molars become trapped (impacted), which can become very painful. Wisdom teeth (third molars) become impacted because they don’t have enough room to come in (erupt) or develop normally. It is at this time you will likely take a trip to the dentist, because you will possibly need them to be extracted.

An impacted wisdom tooth may partially emerge so that some of the crown is visible (partially impacted), or it may never break through the gums (fully impacted). Whether partially or fully impacted, the tooth may:

  • Break gums at an angle toward the next tooth (second molar)
  • Come in at an angle toward the back of the mouth
  • Grow at a right angle to the other teeth
  • Develop straight up or down like other teeth but stay trapped within the jawbone

If you find that your wisdom teeth may be coming in, make a plan to visit the dentist to find out if you need to have them removed.

If you would like to find out more about wisdom teeth, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.