What Is Geriatric Dentistry? | Huntington Beach Dentist

Aging is a process we all deal with in the later parts of our lives. And with that, there are loads of changes that take place as we get to a certain age. Our bodies are beginning to break down and we need more to keep ourselves healthy. One area in our lives that may be neglected as we age is our dental health. Unfortunately, our dental health should be more of a priority since it is our first line of defense against our overall health.

Geriatric dentistry is the delivery of oral care to older patients, many of whom require diagnosis, management, prevention and treatment of dental problems associated with age-related diseases. According to research, more than half of all dental patients over 60 are on medication or are medically compromised in some way, while also showing increased sensitivity to medication used in dentistry, necessitating a specialized type of care.

Potential drug interactions. Elder patients may take medications that make them more vulnerable to drug interactions, medication errors and drug reactions, requiring special precautions to protect the safety and well-being of older patients.

Compassion. Geriatric-focused dental professionals take great care to minimize noises and distractions during treatment. And since older patients with cognitive limitations are easily overwhelmed, geriatric-focused dental professionals are also careful to communicate using short, simple sentences that relax the patient and ease the treatment process.

Patience and consideration. When dealing with elder patients suffering from dementia or physical impairments, experienced dental professionals understand that patience may not be enough and may need to delay a procedure for a later time.

If you would like to find out more about improving geriatric dentistry , contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

The Many Benefits of IV Sedation | Huntington Beach Dentist

When we need to have a dental procedure done, it never ceases to make us nervous. For some, it is such an issue that they suffer from dental anxiety, especially when it comes to surgery. But these days, there really isn’t anything to fear – the dental industry understands that patients are nervous and have developed IV sedation as an option prior to the procedure, so you can rest at ease. Not only will sedation help ease you enough to calm your nerves, but it will also help your dental professional get the work done with the least amount of resistance. Here are some reasons you may want to mention IV sedation during your next dental procedure:

  • IV sedation kicks in right when it’s first administered, and the drug dosage can be altered to fit each individual patient.
  • A safe level of deep sedation can be reached with IV sedation, as where oral sedation and inhalation sedation can be unpredictable. IV sedation is safe and effective.
  • Certain treatments can be performed at a fast pace and with fewer office visits with the help of IV sedation.
  • With IV sedation, your gag reflex is greatly diminished. If you are using IV sedation for gag reflex, then your dentist may try inhalation sedation first.
  • IV sedation allows patients to be conscious, while also relaxing them. This allows them to cooperate with the dentist instructions and be relaxed at the same time.
  • Recovery time is typically shorter with IV sedation. This is mostly because the drug dosage can be tailored.

As you can see, you don’t need to worry about that dental procedure you’ve been dreading. There’s no reason to let your dental anxiety or sensitive gag reflex keep you from visiting the dentist.

If you would like to find out more about IV sedation, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Why You Should Consider Opting for Veneers | Huntington Beach Dentist

When something happens to damage their smile, many patients become self-conscious about what can be done to repair the damage, especially if the fix is still fairly obvious to those around. Thankfully, we don’t have to think about things like this because we have veneers to repair.

Porcelain veneers offer superior benefits over other cosmetic dental procedures, such as dental crowns or braces. The fingernail-thin shells, which are adhered to the front surface, solve a myriad of aesthetic problems with just one treatment. Here is a list of the top ten reasons you should really consider asking your dentist about your veneer options:

Discrete. Porcelain is a translucent material that mimics the look, luster, and feel of enamel.

Whiten stains. When adhered to the front surface of your teeth, veneers you’re your teeth look instantly whiter.

Straighten flaws. Veneers offer a great alternative for patients with crooked teeth who do not want to endure the process of having their teeth straightened with dental braces.

Fix chips and breaks. Veneers can fill in and improve the look of teeth that are chipped or broken.

Fills gaps. Veneers can be customized to repair smiles with unsightly gaps.

Youthful. A whiter, brighter, more lustrous smile can immediately you’re your face a more youthful appearance.

Conservative. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require removing a large portion of healthy, natural teeth, veneers can be applied with little alteration.

Protection. Once applied, the veneers also serve to provide a protective shield to the front surface of teeth.

Stain-resistant. Porcelain is stain resistant, which will make your smile stay brighter and whiter longer.

Gum-friendly. Gum tissue is not irritated by porcelain.

If you would like to find out more about porcelain veneers, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

What You Need to Know About Periodontal Surgery | Huntington Beach Dentist

No one wants to have surgery, especially when it’s happening inside our mouth. If there is extensive bone loss with deep periodontal pockets that prevents thorough cleaning of the roots of the teeth, pocket reduction surgery is indicated. During the pocket reduction procedure, your periodontist folds back the gum tissue and removes the disease-causing bacteria plaque and tartar from the root surfaces of the teeth. Once the teeth and roots are clean, the tissue is secured back into place. Tiny fragments of your own bone, synthetic bone, or bone from a bone bank are placed where bone was lost. These grafts aid in the regrowth of bone & restores tooth stability. Here are some of the more common questions:

Will it hurt?

You should feel little or no discomfort during the procedure. Following surgery, the affected area will be tender or sore, but most patients resume their normal routines the day after surgery.

Will I be able to speak and eat normally after surgery?

You should be able to speak normally after the anesthetic has worn off, but you may need to avoid chewing certain foods for a bit.

When will I need to return to my periodontist?

Usually, patients return for post-surgical treatment in five to ten days to remove any stitches and cleanse the surgical area.

Will I ever need surgery again?

In most instances you will not need surgery in the same area again. However, in certain cases, re-treatment or additional surgery may be needed.

What can I do to help control the disease?

Nothing will help you maintain the results of professional treatment better than daily removal of plaque by proper brushing, flossing and other cleaning methods recommended for you.

If you would like to find out more about periodontal surgery, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Rudy Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.

Relax During Your Dental Visits | Huntington Beach Dentist

In order to keep our smiles healthy and bright, we need to visit the dentist a couple times a year. Not only can they improve its appearance, but they can also detect if we are at risk for future issues. But what if sitting in the dentist’s chair is frightening to you? It can not only impair your mouth’s health, but it can also lead to future health risks. Unfortunately, this is an issue for many. Dental anxiety, or DA, is an actual diagnosis for this fear. But there is good news – the dental industry has been listening and have been busy making huge strides in order to calm those fears. It is what they call sedation dentistry.

To break it down simply, sedation dentistry your dentist’s way to relax you enough to handle the dental procedure and it’s done through the use of medication. There are various levels that you can be sedated, from minimal sedation to the completely unconscious general anesthesia to make you as comfortable as possible as they do their job and to make recovery time minimal.

If you aren’t in need of a lot to relax you, chances are you will be receiving nitrous oxide, or laughing gas through a mask, so zero pain is involved. If you need to be calmed with a bit more than a mask full of laughing gas, the next option would be an oral sedative. It is also possible to be sedated via an IV.

It is important to discuss all of your options with your dental professional before any procedure. Find out the risks and exactly how much experience your dental professional has had with your procedure.

If you would like to find out more about sedation dentistry, contact Dr. Gamarnik at 714-842-5626 to schedule a consultation or visit www.hbadvanceddentalspecialists.com for additional information.

Dr. Gamarnik proudly serves Huntington Beach and all surrounding areas.